Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

It's 1:55am on the 1st of January 2012 and I'm blogging. Blogging at the start of the year!!! HA! Well, I can't sleep yet so maybe this will help me drain all my energy and sleep after.

It's already 2012!! At least, to some countries like Australia, Japan, Philippines (where I am), Guam, Malaysia, Singapore and other Asian countries. To those countries whose calendars are still set on 2011, well... we are the future. And nothing's changed. No flying cars yet. heh.

My family welcomed 2012 the usual way. We don't really go somewhere else. We just get out of the house, join my grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins, make noise, light some firecrackers and look at aerial fireworks if there's any (and as the years go by, there has been a lot of aerial fireworks that we see in our village). After that, we go back inside our houses and sleep. It's the usual thing and it's become pretty boring for me actually. I want to experience a different kind of celebrating New Year. Like the one's in Timesquare, NY where the ball will drop. Or the one in Sydney, Paris, London... Or if not that, celebrate it with all my friends and their other friends.. And then have someone kiss me at 12mn. (I'm being over-sentimental since yesterday. Don't ask me why. I don't know either.) That. I want that. 

I just want things to change this year. And if I celebrate it like that, I have this thought that everything will really change. Maybe it's too movie-like but don't we all wish that too? I know it's not just me. ;)

Wow. This turned out to be a very sappy post. This is what happens when you know that you have to sleep but you can't sleep and so you write some stuff like this. Anyway, all of these are things that has been running in my mind every new year's eve. I feel like I need to write it down for.. emotional release. lolol Alright, I have to end this now. My brain's shutting down and it is evident by all of the things I just typed in the last two paragraphs.

Happy New Year darlings!


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