Friday, June 14, 2013

Week long holiday

Whoa! It's been months since I last wrote for my blog and I am inspired enough today to write about my holiday trip next week. It's not just another holiday trip somewhere in England or the United Kingdom. I am going out of the country to Poland!!! :) As all of you don't know, I already have a boyfriend and we've been together for almost 4 months now. He is Polish and last April, he said that he has to go to Poland to do some important things and mentioned that I can come with him. As soon as he said that, I instantly want to go. I've always wanted to travel and when he said that, I believe that it's the start of my traveling escapades with someone I love. I processed my visa, insurance, plane tickets and other things that needs to be processed. It wasn't easy. There were times when I was already giving up because of some problems with collecting all the requirements for my visa. We almost cancelled the trip but each time it happens, it seems like God is doing something to make sure that we travel together. And just yesterday, I got my visa after the visa people called me and told me to come to the embassy. :)

Whilst in the train, I couldn't help but think of my holiday trip with my boyfriend. This is something for me because I will be going to where my boyfriend grew up and I'm gonna meet his family which makes me so nervous and he'll take me to places near his hometown. I find it romantic and sweet. I didn't expect that this will happen in my life. Just last year, I was kind of moaning to my friend how come I don't have a boyfriend and look now! I have a boyfriend and I'll be traveling with him and experiencing new things with him. :) I feel like I'm in my own chick flick movie. Meeting a foreign man in a foreign land, getting together as a couple, visiting and meeting the family and the like. It's surreal for me. But I am pretty much excited. I am just really, really nervous to meet his family. I am his first foreign girlfriend (and hopefully the last girlfriend.. teehee!) and it will be new to all of his family. Also, his mom and dad are expecting me and that makes me really weak in the knees. I have never ever met the family of my ex-boyfriend so all this is new to me. My mom's advice is "be good!" Ha ha!

We'll be leaving on the 19th of June and I want to start packing now! LOL! I am starting to think of what things to bring, what clothes, dresses and shoes to bring and some other stuff. You can tell that I'm excited because it's all I think of everyday since I got my visa yesterday. And my boyfriend and I talk a lot about it because I always start the conversation about it. He said he's gonna take me to Krakow as well. He studied in a university in Krakow and I couldn't wait to go there. Perhaps I'll start to search places to go near his hometown where we can go together. :)

This is going to be a very memorable trip for me and for him. I remembered I told him once before we started to process my visa that I want us to have a holiday trip together. I don't know if he still remembers that but after like a week of saying that, he said that I can come with him to Poland. :) 

6 more days to go and I am so excited! I can't wait to start packing on Monday!


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